My ultimate goal is to provide you with an amazing team experience

that reflects the passion of your athletes.

Guaranteed School Perks:

  • FREE high-quality vinyl, all-weather team banners. The size is determined by the athletic facility and where the athletic department would like to hand it. I frequently print them in sizes 4’x7’ or larger!

  • $40 senior banners. Typically the cost is $45 each.

  • The school will be given access to all digital files I take, including team photo, senior banner, individual images from each athlete. These files may be used for social media, yearbooks and sports programs.

  • Game day graphics and special awards graphics for social media use.

  • I provide all material to make Media Day successful, including handouts and posters for hanging around school.



How Does it Work?

1. Prior to media day, we will coordinate with the coach and AD to decide the time and location. Afternoon/evening light is preferred for outdoor shots, but are completely flexibe to the teams needs. We also may want to schedule a rain date in the event of severely inclement weather. The goal will be to photograph teams 2-3 weeks prior to the season to ensure all banners are up for the first home game. All parents will decide which photo option they would like on our website. A link will be sent to the parent/team organizer prior to Media Day.

2. We start Media Day by taking individual banner photos, senior banner photos, and headshots indoors. These photos will be taken on a solid color background. JHP will decide the poses for these images with the exception of senior banners. These images will be included in the team gallery.

3. After all the “Basic” Option photos have been taken on the backdrop, we begin the fun and creative part of media day. Each athlete who has paid for a “Full Media Day” option will take 3 or more poses of their choice and may feature your stadium, gym, the use of in camera lighting effects and the smoke machine. Poses are completely up to the athlete and may be individual or buddy poses. (Coaches join in on the fun as well!)

4. Within two weeks, all photos will be delivered through an online gallery to the team organizer and registered parents/athletes. Vinyl banners delivered within one week of gallery delivery/approval.

Full Program Media Day Options

01. Media Day: Single Hi-Res Digital Image Only (No Printed Banner) — $25

This option gives parents the digital files with a print release of their athlete's individual pose and team banner. These are digital files only, normally for an underclassman that just wants to make sure that they are added to the team banner. (There are no printed items included in this option.)

02. Media Day Full: Digital Image Collection (No Printed Banner) — $75

In addition to everything offered in option 1, option 2 athletes will be given a minimum of 3 poses on the solid backdrop and 3 poses of their choice around the stadium, field, gym or studio. Poses are completely up to the athlete and may be buddy or individual poses. These digital files will be delivered in the same gallery with print release. JHP reserves the right to deem “ideas” inappropriate for school usage. This option may be for the underclassman that would like a full series of media photos to share, but does not need an individual senior banner. (There are no printed items included in this option.)

03. Media Day: Single Digital Image (Includes Printed Banner) — $65

This option gives parents the digital files with a print release of their athlete's individual pose, individual senior banner and team banner. This is for the senior that would just like a single pose taken for their individual printed banner. (The all-weather printed vinyl banner IS included with this option.)

04. Media Day Full: Multiple Digital Images (Includes Printed Banner) — $115

In addition to everything offered in option 1, option 2 athletes will be given a minimum of 3 poses on the solid backdrop and 3 poses of their choice around the stadium, field, gym or studio. Poses are completely up to the athlete and may be buddy or individual poses. These digital files will be delivered in the same gallery with print release. JHP reserves the right to deem “ideas” inappropriate for school usage. (The all-weather printed vinyl banner IS included with this option.)

Media Day Examples

  • Girls Basketball Team Media Day

    Girls Basketball

  • Franklin Pierce Football Player Media Day

    University Football

  • Elite Gymnastics Media Day

    Elite Gymnastics

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference. Prints and specialty items will be available to order after your photoshoot.